Marketing Tips for a Farm by Web Digital Media Group Team

Marketing Tips for a Farm

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tips for a farm

Do you have a farm and would like to try to promote it online? Only if you do it right can you get more customers. Here are some useful tips

Like any other company, even farms can take advantage of the many resources that the web offers to make themselves known. And to acquire new customers. Indeed: generally, agricultural activity lends itself well to storytelling, to telling suggestive stories capable of making the (potential) customer perceive the value of what is being sold.

But how is the marketing plan of a farm drawn up? Definitely, starting from a business plan .

The importance of the business plan

If you want to start off on the right foot, if you really want to make your farm known by acquiring new customers, the ideal is to draw up a business plan. What to include? Start from the ” business idea “: explain what your business idea is, and why you think it is valid. Describe your company (CV of managers and staff, strategic choices, recent results), and all the products and services you offer.

A fundamental element to include in your business plan is the SWOT analysis :

  • Strenghts (strengths)
  • Weakness (weaknesses)
  • Opportunities (market opportunities to be seized)
  • Threats (external threats, capable of undermining their own objectives)

Only by putting pen to paper your company philosophy , your offer and your strengths / weaknesses will you have a clear idea of ​​what to aim for your communication with an ad hoc marketing plan . You will know how to involve users, on what to “push” to attract attention and – therefore – to acquire new customers .

Google My Business and social networks

The first step to make yourself known is, of course, to open a website. As long as it is well-finished: clean graphics, images taken by a professional, emotional texts that take into account the keywords (and geolocation, the aim is to work locally).

The Google My Business card is also fundamental for farms : free and extremely effective, it allows you to publish your own news and be found via Google Maps.

Not only that: it also hosts the reviews of its customers and, you know, word of mouth always remains among the most effective forms of advertising. Even social networks are among the most effective marketing tools for farmers. 

Also consider the idea of ​​a blog : your product must be told, so that the consumer understands how different it is to eat a fresh food rather than a packaged food. For him to realize it, however, he needs to be told. Maybe in a suggestive way, as if it were a story (is there something that lends itself more to being told than life in nature?).

Local marketing

If you don’t have an e-commerce and you only sell your farm products locally, local marketing is essential. How to do it? In addition to the traditional way (advertisements in local newspapers, flyers, organization of events, billboards), the web can be exploited mainly in two ways:

  • with sponsored ads on Facebook (by selecting a specific kilometer radius)
  • working with SEO

When you organize an event, when you want to promote your restaurant menu or sponsor the products you produce, take advantage of all the power and visibility that Facebook offers you . But, even before that, write the contents taking into account specific keywords and geo localizing them (e.g. ostrich meat in Milan, fresh cheese in Rome, farmhouse with restaurant in Florence).

You must always consider that the user, when looking for something, relies on Google : whether he wants to find a farmhouse with a restaurant to organize his wedding lunch, a farm where your child can give milk to the calves or make a pony ride, or simply a place to buy yogurt and fresh cheeses, it is the search engine par excellence that it will turn to. That’s why being found is essential.