Lead Generation With FaceBook - WDMG

Lead Generation With FaceBook

Our Lead Generation With Facebook Generates High-Profile Contacts With Rates Based On The Positive Results We Will Achieve. You Will Have A Team Of Marketing Consultants, Creative Advertisers And Video-Makers At Your Service Every Day.

Lead generation with Facebook generates high-value contacts through the proposition of the company and its services, to a highly segmented target and ideal for the customer. The services are offered in various forms: banner advertisements, video commercials, shared and advertised content, articles distributed in an organic manner. And each of these means allows us to make our content appear exclusively to the target of your business.


Facebook is a channel that allows a very high target segmentation. Through its advertising software, Facebook Ads, we are able to profile Social Network users by age, family composition, interests, employment, geographical position, purchasing behavior and much more . Thanks to this opportunity, we were able to generate end customers for a large number of companies involved in different sectors: B2B service providers, industrial manufacturers, food & beverage, professional and legal firms, and consumer service providers.

lead-generation process

Lead Generation With Facebook – What our services offer

  • 360 ° consulting
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic Production
  • Video Production
  • Digital PR
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Insight Analysis
  • Community Management

With A Profiled Target of 30 Million Users in Italy, Lead Generation with Facebook is an Exceptional Marketing Tool:

The amount of information Facebook gives us about its members allows us to reach the right person for every type of business. Following the phases of our marketing activity:

Target identification. It always starts from here. Let’s deepen with the company which is its ideal client and let’s rebuild its identikit within the Facebook world. We identify his age, his interests, his behavior and everything that can be useful for identifying him and inserting him into our advertising activity.

Communication plan. Based on the identikit of our target, we are going to develop textual content, blog articles, commercials, banners, infographics and any type of content that may be suitable to intercept our ideal client, offering the service in the best possible way.


Analysis and improvement.  Since campaigns are active, we are constantly monitoring their progress. Let’s look at the effect that communication has on potential customers and their response. How they behave on our site, what are the aspects that convince them to contact and what are the elements that push them not to do it.

Report. Transparency is everything for us and our customers can access the management panels where they can see the progress of the campaigns at any time. Furthermore, at the end of each month we offer detailed reports on the results obtained, the proposals to improve and the new objectives to be pursued.