How to delete WordPress blog

How to delete WordPress blog

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After reading my guide on how to create a blog with WordPress , you too have decided to open your web space and try your career as a blogger. Unfortunately, however, because of the short time available to you and the poor results obtained in terms of visits, you realized that this type of activity is not for you and you would like to retrace your steps. For this reason, you have tried in every way to permanently delete your WordPress blog but your attempts did not give the desired result and now you do not know where to bang your head to succeed in your intent. If things are actually like this, do not worry: if you want, I’m here to explain how to do it.

If you spend a few minutes of your free time, I can tell you how to delete WordPress blog indicating the detailed procedure is if you have entrusted to a free platform like or Altervista is if you have chosen a paid service, like Aruba. Regardless of the solution chosen by you when creating your blog, first I will explain how to backup the contents of the site, then I will show you how to request the cancellation. Finally, if you change your mind, I’ll tell you how to cancel the deletion request. How do you say? Is that what you wanted to know? So do not linger further and deepen the subject immediately!

Courage: make yourself comfortable, take all the time you deem appropriate and read the next paragraphs carefully. Identify the cancellation solution of your interest, try to put into practice the instructions I am going to give you and I assure you that, in less than no time, you will be able to save your content and delete your blog successfully. Good reading and have fun!


  1. Delete a WordPress blog on
  2. Delete a WordPress blog on Altervista
  3. Erase a WordPress blog on Aruba

Delete a WordPress blog on

Want to know how to delete a WordPress blog  made on and make it unreachable by visitors? No problem, it’s easy.

To delete your blog on, linked to the main page of the service , click the Login button at the top right and sign in to your account. If you have signed up using your Google account , click the Continue button on Google , otherwise enter your login information in the fields E-mail address or username and password and press the Login button .

Now, click on the My site button at the top left, choose the Settings option in the left sidebar and, in the new open page, make sure the General tab is selected . If before deleting your blog you want to save the contents, find the Site Tools section , click on Export and press the Export all button to export all the contents of the site.

Alternatively, click the down arrow icon , choose which content to save ( Articles , Pages, etc.) and click the Export selected contents button . Furthermore, by pressing the Download button in the Export Media Library box  , you can save your blog’s media library. In both cases, you will be sent an email to the address associated with your account with a link to download the chosen content: click on the Download button  within 7 days to start downloading your data in XLM format .

To permanently delete your blog, go back to the Settings section of, scroll down the page, click on the Delete your site permanently and, in the new open page, presses the Delete site button . To confirm your intention, enter the address of your blog in the appropriate field and click the Delete this site button .

You must know that the cancellation is immediate: in case of change of mind, however, you can request to restore your site by replying to the email received at your email address (the one that confirms the cancellation) within 30 days of the request to delete the blog.

If you are not completely convinced to delete your blog on, you can choose to leave it inactive and make it private. In this case, click on the Settings item , select the General option , locate the Privacy section , check the item next to the Private item and press the Save Settings button . In doing so, the blog will be visible only to you and the users you approve.

If, however, your intention is to finally put the word end to your experience on and you want to delete both your blog and your account, it will be useful to know that you can do everything in a few clicks. After signing in to your account, click on your photo in the upper right (or on the icon of the little man , if you have not customized your account), select the Account settings option , click on the item Close the your account forever and presses the button close account . Then enter your username in the appropriate field and click on the item Close your account .

Delete a WordPress blog on Altervista

To delete a WordPress blog on Altervista , linked to the main page of your website and access the WordPress administration panel. Alternatively, connected to the website of Altervista , click on the Login item in the upper right, enter your details in the Username and Password fields  and presses the Login button .

Now, first, if you want to save the contents of your blog, click on the Tools item and choose the Export option . In the new open page, check the box next to All content to download articles, pages and multimedia content of your website, otherwise put the check mark next to one of the options between Pages , Articles and Media and presses the button Download the export file to download the contents in XML format.

Now, click on the Users entry in the left sidebar and choose the Altervista Data option . Scroll down the page to find the Delete account section  and press the Request cancellation button .

In the new open page, enter the data associated with your Altervista account in the User name , Email address and Password fields  and specify the reason for deleting your blog using the Reason drop down menu by selecting one of the available options ( I did not want a blog but a simple one hosting , I do not use it anymore and Other ).

Entered all the required data, presses the Delete button to proceed with the cancellation of your blog. Log in, then, to your e-mail address, find the email sent by Altervista and confirm your intention by clicking on the link contained in it. It will be useful to know that the deletion of your blog will happen within 24 hours if the latter was created within 24 hours before the cancellation request, otherwise you will have to wait up to 7 days.

In case of immediate changes, you can request to cancel the cancellation procedure of your blog: open the email you received from Altervista following your cancellation request, find the option  If you change your mind after confirming the deletion, follow this link to cancel the procedure and click on the link.

Erase a WordPress blog on Aruba

If your intention is to delete a WordPress blog on Aruba while keeping your domain active, all you need to do is access via FTP the files that make up your website and delete the root folder of the latter.

So, first of all, connected to your blog, access the WordPress administration panel and click on the Tools and  Export items to export the contents of your website. Then choose to download all the contents by selecting the All option. the contents or if you only save Articles , Pages  or  Media , putting the check mark next to the option of your interest and pressing the button Download the export file .

Now you can proceed with the cancellation of your blog. Then start an FTP program like FileZilla , click the Site Manager button  (the icon of the  three white rectangles  at the top left), enter your blog data (the ones you received in the email after purchasing Web space) and presses the Connect button .

Once the connection is established, select the root folder of your site (visible in the File name box ), right-click on it and choose the Delete option from the menu that appears. For the detailed procedure, you can read my guide on how to use FileZilla .

At this point, your blog and all its contents will be permanently deleted, but the domain and your Web space will remain available for a new installation, for example to install Joomla or another CMS.

If, however, your intention is to delete both your blog and the domain associated with it, and the latter has the extension .it , connected to the website of Aruba , click on the  domain cancellation form .it to download the form cancellation of the domain, fill it with your personal data (writing them in block letters), specify the domain you want to delete, also indicating the Authinfo code and sign your signature in the appropriate field.

You can find the Authinfo code in the email that Aruba sent you when you purchased your web space. Alternatively, linked to the main Aruba page , click on the Customer area heading in the upper right, select the Customer area option from the menu that appears and, in the new open page, enter your login information in the Login and Password fields . Now, presses the Control Panel button for your domain, click on the Domain Utility in the left sidebar and presses the Request button for the item  Authorization Code to receive the Authinfo code to your email address.

After completing the cancellation and cancellation form of your blog, you must send it to Aruba together with a copy of your ID. If you have a certified e- mail address , you can send the documentation to , otherwise you can send it by registered mail with return receipt to  Aruba SpA, Località Palazzetto n. 4 – 52011 Bibbiena (AR) .

Alternatively, connected to the main page of the Aruba support portal , log in with the data associated with your account, click the New request button , select Hosting & Domains using the Service drop down menu , specify your domain name and sign the sign check next to the Right of withdrawal option . Then enter the required data, click on the button Select file to upload the cancellation form and the copy of your ID and presses the button Send request to send it all.

If, instead, the extension of your domain is different from .it, the procedure that you must follow for its cancellation varies depending on the chosen extension. For example, if your site has a .com extension , you must send a written request in English with your personal data and a copy of your ID following the submission procedure I previously described for the domains .com. For all the detailed steps, you can consult the section Cancellation and cancellation of the Aruba site .

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