How many times have you happened to get ready to deliver a project to a customer who (little or nothing) knew about WordPress and a shiver ran down your spine at the thought of all those WordPress menu items , so inviting for your client, that could have become a real problem when, he (the client) had started to “experiment” by clicking here and there?
It is true that WordPress comes to meet us with the user roles that can be assigned to the client’s profile and that therefore will assign the permissions to view / use only some areas, avoiding the more sensitive ones, but sometimes it would be much better to limit the possible damages to a maximum that a user who is “not careful” can cause his website.
For this reason, today I wanted to talk about a plugin that I used just a few days ago and I must admit that it came back to me so much useful. This is WP CUSTOM ADMIN INTERFACE a plugin that will allow you to customize the WordPress admin panel , from the color scheme to the menu items, from the toolbar to the display of individual plugins, up to creating a maintenance page / coming soon.
If, on the other hand, you are interested in knowing All the Secrets of the Reserved Area , you can read an interesting article I wrote about this topic.
Customize the Admin Panel, but not only
Thanks to WP CUSTOM ADMIN INTERFACE will finally be possible, through a clear interface :
- Reorder smoothly menu items with drag and drop interface
- Easily rename any menu item
- Create new menu items
- Change the icon of any menu item, also uploading your custom icon!
- Add separators to space up the items in the menus
- Create conditions for displaying menus based on user or user roles
- Have lots of advanced features (CSS, Href, etc.)
I realize that this would already be enough, but the features of this fantastic plugin do not end there, in fact they also extend to the administrators toolbar :
Add new menu items to the toolbar
Remove existing items from the toolbar
Rearrange the entries
Rename titles and links
Using a condition builder , you can easily apply the custom toolbar to select roles or users!
All right, you’ll say, we’re done here.
Oh no, as I said and reiterated, WP CUSTOM ADMIN INTERFACE is really fantastic and besides customizing the admin panel, this plugin will also help you do :
- Change the background color of the login screen
- Change the logon screen logo
- Add a custom icon to the back end and front end of your website (in the toolbar)
- Change the colors of the links and buttons
- Customize the text of the footer that appears on each administration page
- Remove the WordPress version number from the footer
- Remove the administration toolbar from the display on the WordPress front-end
- Add custom CSS, PHP and Javascript for the administration back-end and WordPress front-end
- Create a personalized coming soon or maintenance page
- Hide plugins for specific users and roles
- Hide meta boxes from all types of posts, including custom post types and on the bulletin board!
- Create a custom administration alert that can be viewed by custom users / profiles with an expiration date
- Create a custom dashboard widget
- Disable automatic updates
- And really lots of other features
Why choose WP Custom Admin Interface?
Now, given that experience has taught me that almost all users, once they have access to their website, are starting to fiddle with the dashboard , unaware that by selecting some random item they can (at best) put the display of the pages or (in the worst case scenario) put the entire site down permanently , resulting in a call of this type:
“Hi, I don’t know why, but the site looks all white …”
and maybe your request for information, about what could have happened, the answer would be:
“I didn’t touch anything!”
I personally use WP CUSTOM ADMIN INTERFACE to customize the admin panel and hide some items from the menu when I’m about to release the project and then I have to “hand over the keys” to the customer. In doing so, I leave only the entries that the user will have to and can modify to update his website in complete safety and this plugin simplifies the operation not just by me.
I don’t think there is anything else I need to add to make you understand how useful WP CUSTOM ADMIN INTERFACE is, the extraordinary thing is that this plugin, in addition to being very functional, unlike other similar plugins, does not have any premium features , which means say that it is completely free.
Below, in addition to the download link, I also leave you the link to watch a video s u how to use WP Custom Admin Interface , but I’m sure the usage will be very intuitive and you’ll fall in love with it just like I did.
Posted by: Web Digital Media Group