SEO Strategies Guaranteed to Help Your Website Soar
SEO Strategies to Implement: Since more than 90% of global internet searches are carried out on Google, it is important to fully consider the expectations of this giant when you want to optimize your site … Indeed, Google’s algorithm, responsible for analyzing your site and to move it up or down in the search pages, is modified several times a year …
Even more, SEO is an ever-improving process, so it’s important to take the time to learn about the new SEO guidelines. Indeed, what was enough to optimize a site 5 years ago is no longer sufficient today, worse still, it can even be totally exceeded and have a negative impact on your website.
If today, the natural referencing trend is towards data security or even Google’s mobile first, nothing says that it will be the same between now and next year, quite the contrary! It is therefore important, and more prudent for your success on the Internet, to stay informed about the new SEO guidelines, which also allows you to better understand user expectations and therefore to be able to fully meet them!
Nowadays, all websites need to include a natural referencing perspective in their work. Developing an SEO strategy, also called SEO strategy, is essential when you want to make your site visible to as many Internet users as possible. To do this, there are several devices to put in place. To help you in this process of Google SEO, here are 14 simple strategies that will help you optimize your SEO.
1 – Optimize your keywords as much as possible
The first thing to do in order to be part of a natural referencing dynamic is to identify the relevant keywords. During this research, you will have to identify the expressions most commonly used in your industry.
To do this, you will need to look for the words and phrases most popular with Internet users carrying out research related to your services or products. Fortunately, faced with the importance of the request, many tools have emerged to help you find these keywords and phrases. This is the case, for example, of the essential Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords). Once you have established a precise list of keywords relating to your industry, you will be able to include them in different places on your website.
2 – Always offer quality content
A properly optimized site is a site that offers well-crafted content. Indeed, the search engine robots are very careful with all the information that is on your site. Concretely, it remains difficult to be well positioned in a search engine if you do not work on this point. When we talk about quality content, we are talking about a text that will be able to give all the information necessary to Internet users, but which is still pleasant to read. Therefore, you will have to naturally include the keywords that you have previously defined.
Contrary to what one might think, it is not enough to put your keywords everywhere to be correctly referenced, on the contrary. Reading should remain fluid and enjoyable for everyone who lands on your website. In terms of quality, we see that articles of more than 2000 words are often better referenced than others. However, it is still possible to offer very small content, with around 500 words, if they are relevant.
3 – Place your keywords wisely
There are different places on your website where you can place your chosen keywords. First of all, of course, there is the written content. When we talk about Google SEO, it is important to correctly place your keywords in a text.
For example, it will be interesting to put them both at the beginning, at the end and a bit throughout the content. It will also be interesting to place them within certain title tags of your text. These take the form of “h1”, “h2” and “h3”. In addition to optimizing the natural referencing of your site, these tags will allow you to structure your content and make it more pleasant to read.
Your keywords can also be positioned on the various internal and external links that you offer. Do not forget to use them either to name the different images that you will have incorporated into your website. Finally, your keywords should also appear in the description of your pages. All these aspects are essential in order to develop the most effective SEO optimization possible.
4 – Develop content that is always unique
Search engine robots are hunting duplicate content. Concretely, this means that, if you do not offer unique content, your website and its SEO will be penalized.
In addition to this aspect, you must keep in mind that copy-paste content can impact your brand image and therefore lower the confidence that Internet users may have in you. Nowadays, there are different tools allowing you to check that the content you offer is not duplicated, this is the case for example with CopyScape .
5 – Offer Optimal links
External and internal links are also an integral part of a good SEO strategy. For many, this is one of the most effective techniques you can find. However, it is not enough to just put any link on your site in order to reap the benefits. The links that you are going to choose must be “of quality”.
Be sure to favor links pointing to sites or blogs with the same theme as yours. Concretely, you must keep in mind that, the more the site you have chosen will be correctly positioned in the search engines, and considered as an authority site, the more you will be able to derive from it for the natural referencing of your site. Internet.
6 – Update your content regularly
When talking about SEO, it’s also important to make it clear that updating is of key importance. Search engines are particularly attentive to sites which regularly offer new content or which update the pages they offer. Indeed, the main objective for Google is to be able to offer Internet users information of optimal quality. Therefore, the search engine algorithm will consider that regularly updated content is the most relevant.
7 – Make sure you have an optimal loading speed
In terms of SEO, the loading time of your site is also a point that should not be overlooked. In addition to being taken into account by search engine robots, this point will be essential to promote the experience of Internet users. Concretely, it is estimated that the faster a site, the more Internet users will appreciate it. If you notice that the loading speed of your site is not optimal, be aware that it is possible to put some measures in place to improve this problem.
For example, it is advisable to work a little more on the images. Too heavy and too large visuals will tend to slow down your website, especially if there are a lot of them. From a natural referencing perspective, it is therefore necessary to reduce the weight of these images. For this, it is in particular possible to go through sites such as TinyPNG ( which will reduce the size of your image without damaging its quality.
8 – Take care of your URLs
In the list of SEO strategies that can be implemented, we find URL optimization. Be careful not to offer web addresses only made up of numbers as some CMS still offer. To have the most optimized URL possible, it is advisable to include the main keywords of the page while making sure that it is not too long. The maximum size is considered to be 2084 characters. It is also interesting to use separators between each word of the URL.
9 – Offer a site compatible with mobiles
For several years now, search engines have favored websites that are compatible with all media. This includes computers as well as smartphones or even tablets. We will then use the term “responsive” or even “mobile friendly”.
Concretely, when you have a website, it is essential to include this notion. It will also bring you many benefits from a user experience point of view. Among the details to take into account for your website to be compatible with mobiles, we find the fact of not offering advertisements that prevent the site from being read correctly when viewed on a smartphone, having pages that load too slowly on mobile or even offer completely unreadable content in this format.
If you are not careful with all these details, your natural referencing will be penalized.
10 – Use the “https” protocol
Security is a primordial notion when working in the web world. In order to be able to offer ever safer sites to Internet users, the https protocol was introduced in 2015. Even if this protocol is fairly new, it will not be surprising that Google begins to penalize sites that have not implemented it. .
However, we must not forget that this protocol has a certain cost. It is therefore intended for large companies that have the means to include this aspect in their natural referencing strategy.
11 – Take care of your meta-description
Description metadata, also called meta-description, is a staple of all good SEO strategies. Even if it is not necessarily one of the essential criteria for your SEO, it will be a shame to leave it aside.
Concretely, this description will be the one that appears as a preview in the results of search engines. When we know that this is the element that will push Internet users to visit a site, the choice of the meta-description becomes quite simply unavoidable. To write it as well as possible, know that it is essential not to exceed 256 characters.
12 – Write relevant titles
Within an SEO strategy, it is also essential to write relevant titles that meet the criteria imposed by search engines. In terms of SEO optimization, it will be essential to insert the main keyword in this title without overdoing it.
Indeed, if your title is too long, it will be truncated on search engines or on social networks. We consider that a correctly optimized title is a title where we find numbers or formulas attracting the curiosity of Internet users. In all cases, the titles should be designed to generate interest and increase the visibility of the page concerned.
13 – Offer visual content
It’s no longer a secret that photos are essential for all websites that are embarking on a natural referencing dynamic. When you put images on your site, it is important to include them in an SEO dimension as well.
As we told you earlier, putting keywords in the title can be a good idea. In addition to photographs, you can also take a look at other types of visual content. Infographics are particularly popular in order to illustrate an article with figures and relevant information. In terms of visual content, don’t overlook the importance of video either.
14 – Make an analysis of your natural referencing
In order to be certain that the various SEO optimization strategies are effective, it is essential to carry out a precise analysis.
To be able to make the most complete possible study of the impact of your website on your target, you will have to use the appropriate tools. Along with monitoring your site’s position on Google, you should also spot what interests your readers most. Be sure to pay attention to the pages that are visited the most and on which people stay the longest. This will allow you to get an idea of the type of content that will attract your target the most.
Of course, there are many other strategies that it is possible to implement in order to optimize this natural referencing as much as possible. For example, sharing on social networks will be essential in order to gain a position in search engines.
Note that it is also possible to take a closer look at the HTML code of your site in order to optimize it too. In addition to that, it is advisable to always be on the lookout for the latest news since the world of SEO is constantly evolving.